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Vol.44,No.1  February 25,2017


基于风险管理的检验检测机构资质认定制度         李凯   傅张杰   田义龙(2)

Qualification authentication system based on risk management for inspection and testing institution                           Li Kai,Fu Zhangjie,Tian Yilong



                                      陈俊松   王仁波   张雄杰   杜洋(6)

Evaluation and optimization for the uncertainty of measurement results of the continual water radon measurement device  

                          Chen Junsong,Wang Renbo,Zhang Xiongjie,Du Yang


大尺寸圆锥螺纹量规基面中径测量方法      张波  曾燕华  张文建  唐冬梅(10)

Measuring method for base level mid-diameters of large size conical thread gauges

                      Zhang Bo,Zeng Yanhua,Zhang Wenjian,Tang Dongmei


用于能耗监测系统的电力负荷数据集成传输技术                      江鲲(15)

Integrated transmission technology of power load data used for energy consumption monitoring system                                               Jiang Kun


激光干涉仪在大型三坐标测量机示值误差快速测量中的应用 金京  陈攀 李鹏伟(20)

Application of laser interferometer in rapid indicate error measurement of large scale three coordinate measuring machine              Jin Jing,Chen Pan,Li Pengwei



                                   范玉兰  成慜  丁臻敏  王旋  王绍鑫(24)

Interlaboratory comparison of on-site rapid test for indoor air quality and the result evaluation       Fan Yulan,Cheng Min,Ding Zhenmin,Wang Xuan,Wang Shaoxin


基于PIC16F877A的室内有害气体检测仪                          余训兵(27)

An indoor harmful gas detector based on PIC16F877A              Yu Xunbing


冷水水表多表式检定方法                             费平  陈岚  朱海东(30)Multi meter verification method of cold water meters 

                                           Fei Ping,Chen Lan,Zhu Haidong


垂直度检测尺校准装置改进设计及实验验证                        武宏璋(34)

Improved design of the calibration device for verticality inspection rulers and experimental verification                                         Wu hongzhang


陶瓷配方的优化计算方法                                        秦晓玲(37)Optimization calculation method of ceramics formulation               Qin Xiaoling


医用超声源计量比对结果与归一化偏差                            蒋雪萍(40)

Measurement comparison results of medical ultrasonic source and normalized deviation                                                     Jiang Xueping


图像拼接技术在台阶高度样块评定中的应用   韩志国  李锁印  冯亚南  赵琳(44)Application of image stitch technology for evaluating step height specimen

                                     Han Zhiguo,Li Suoyin,Feng Yanan,Zhao Lin


气相色谱仪检定中常见问题的分析与解决    唐博  任悦  李垚博  毛森  袁晶(47)Analysis and solution of common problems in gas chromatograph verification

                        Tang Bo,Ren Yue,Li Yaobo,Mao Seng,Yuan Jing


千分尺校对用量杆测量要点                                     邢敏剑(49)

Key analysis of the measurement of measuring rod of micrometer calibration

                                                             Xing Minjian


医疗机构中温度计量设备的校准和使用维护                阳光磊 苏卫华(51)

Calibration and maintenance of temperature measuring equipment in medical institutions                                       Yang Guanglei,Su Weihua


非有证标准物质期间核查                                         牛 琪(53)

The non-standard substances of during verification                      Niu Qi



                                          舒晓莲   朱宏声    潘晨言(55)

The risk management to establish metrology calibration laboratory project

                                     Shu Xiaolian,Zhu Hongshen,Pan Chenyan



公文                                                             (57-62)

商情                                                             (63-65)

0页   新年致辞

扉页  计量动态  2016年全国计量工作座谈会在北京召开

扉页 计量动态  国家卫星导航与定位服务产品质检中心(上海)获得北斗卫星导航产品检测授

14    计量动态  研究成果获国家科技进步二等奖

29    计量动态  上海市质量技术监督局领导在上海市计量测试技术研究院调研重点工作推进落实情况

50    计量动态  上海市计量测试技术研究院第三次荣获“上海名牌”称号

62    计量动态  《上海市检验检测条例》首次宣贯培训会召开


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