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http://www.qctester.com/ 来源: 链接新闻  浏览次数:1713 发布时间:2011-10-10 QC检测仪器网
    2011中国国际石油石化技术展览会(以下简称CIPTC 2011)已于2011年10月10日—13日在中国•北京国际展览中心(新馆)隆重举办。
    本届展会围绕国际石油和天然气行业的政治、经济、技术和环境等问题,为此提供一个国际化的展示和沟通平台。今年是国家“十二五”规划的第一年,在国家“十二五”规划纲要中,明确指出要加快培育和发展中国高端装备制造业。CIPTC 旨在打造中国石油石化行业技术装备高端展示及交流平台,与国家“十二五”规划纲要不谋 而合。
    本届展会聚集了全球业内最新科技、最新行业信息,为石油天然气领域的企业营造拓展市场的充分条件和增值服务,展示最新技术、服务和装备,从而探求并满足中国乃至亚洲及全球能源市场源源不断的需求。CIPTC 2011特设石油石化装备制造五十强展区及中国海工装备展区两大主题展区;另外,展会也得到了中国石油、中国海油、中国石化的鼎力参与,展览内容涉及石油包括传统能源及新能源技术发展现状展示,此外参加展会的知名展商还有中国船舶、中船重工、中集来福士、中远船务、上海振华、中国船级社等。
    展会同期还举办了大型主题论坛,论坛主要以“迈向深海 提速天然气 面向低碳未来”为主题,涉及“十二五”油气行业未来发展前景规划(法规篇)、三大油公司未来前景规划、海工装备制造业的未来发展规划等议程。国家工业和信息化部装备工业司副司长李东、国家能源局油气司副司长胡卫平、国家能源资询委专家、中联煤公司总顾问孙茂远、中国石油天然气集团公司规划计划部副总经济师宋晓丹、中国海油总公司工程建设部总经理金晓剑、中船协海工分会会长董强、中国石油和石油化工设备工业协会首席顾问赵志明等领导出席本次大会。
China International Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition 2011
Press Release
    China International Petroleum Technology Conference and Exhibition 2011 (hereinafter referred to as CIPTC 2011) has successfully been held from October 10 to 13, 2011 in New China International Exhibition Center.
    The event provided a showcasing platform for international oil and gas industries and a platform for communication on political, economic, technological and environmental issues. Year 2011 is the first year of China’s 12th Five-Year Plan period. The plan clearly indicated that the country is to promote and accelerate the development of high-end equipment industry. Aiming to create a high-end display and communication platform for technologies and equipment of China’s petroleum and petrochemical industries, CIPTC coincides with the spirit of the country’s 12th Five-Year Plan.
    The even gathered together the latest technology advancements and the newest industry information. It created an ideal environment and provided value-added services for oil and gas enterprises to conduct marketing activities, showcase their latest technologies, services and equipment in order to find out and meet the incessant demands in China, Asia and even in the global energy market. CIPTC 2011 has a dedicated pavilion for China’s top 50 petroleum and petrochemical equipment manufacturers and a pavilion for China’s offshore engineering equipment industry. The event enjoys strong support from CNPC and CNOOC, of which CNOOC alone booked an exhibition area of nearly 1000 square meters. Its exhibits cover oil and other traditional energies, as well as latest development in new energy technologies. Other famous exhibitors include China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, CIMC Raffles, COSCO Shipyard Group, Shanghai Zhenhua, China Classification Society, etc. 
    Concurrently, a large conference themed “Reach Deep into the Ocean and Accelerate Exploitation of Natural Gas” was held, covering oil and gas industry development prospect and planning in the 12th 5-year plan period (laws and regulations), development prospect and planning of China’s three petroleum and petrochemical giants, development prospect and planning of offshore engineering equipment industry, etc. Participated in the conference include former chief of China National Energy Administration Mr. Zhang Guobao, Deputy Director of the Equipment Industry Department of the Ministry of Information Industry Mr. Li Dong, Deputy Director of the Oil and Gas Department of the National Energy Administration Mr. Hu Weiping, Expert from the Consultancy Board of National Energy Administration and the Chief Advisor for China United Coalbed Methane Corporation Mr. Sun Maoyuan, Deputy Chief Economist of the Planning Department of CNPC Mr. Song Xiaodan, General Manager of the Engineering and Construction Department of CNOOC, Mr. Jin Xiaojian, Director of the Offshore Engineering Branch of China Association of National Shipbuilding Industry Mr. Dong Qiang, Chief Advisor of China Petroleum and Petrochemical Industry Equipment Industry Association Mr. Zhao Zhiming and so on. 
    The event provided a shortcut for people from all around the world to know the latest developments of petroleum and petrochemical equipment and to discuss about the hot topics with industry experts and other related personnel.
厉颖卿      Cherry Li


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